Billionaire Jeff Bezos’ strict rules on gifts at his 60th birthday party give new guests a headache, hanging out with rich people also brings a lot of pressure

American billionaire Jeff Bezos recently held a birthday party to celebrate his 60th birthday. The event attracted attention with strict rules surrounding gifts.

A source shared with the New York Post (USA), the event to celebrate billionaire Jeff Bezos’ 60th birthday was held at the $175 million mansion he owns, located in Beverly Hills, California, USA.

The event had the participation of many famous guests such as rapper Jay Z and singer Beyoncé, Ivanka Trump (daughter of former US President Dоnald Trump), singer Ciara, famous US TV host Oprah Winfrey, billionaire businesswoman Kim Kardashian and her sister Kylie Jenner…

Knowing that guests may have a “headache” thinking about the right gift for him, the billionaire has set a rule for guests attending the party that he does not accept any gifts from anyone. This rule is strictly applied at the event.

According to the estimate of Forbes (USA), billiоnaire Jeff Bezos currently has a fortune of about 177 billiоn USԀ. As for Jeff Bezos’ friends, some famous businessmen in the US business community were present at the birthday party. The most prominent of them were billionaire Bill Gates and Mr. Bob Iger – CEO of Walt Disney Company.

This birthday party event was organized by Mr. Bezos’s fiancee – Ms. Lauren Sanchez – with the support of an event organizer. Ms. Sanchez came up with the idea of ​​decorating the party inspired by Mr. Bezos’ first office after he founded the Amazon brand.

It was a simple office located in a small garage in Seattle, Washingtоn, USA. The party decoration also included Mr. Bezos’s working chair during his difficult start-up years.

At the party, female singer Katy Perry, male singer Usher, the Black Eyed Peas group… performed for fun.

In 2019, after divorcing his wife of 26 years and having 4 children, billionaire Bezos quickly made public his relationship with journalist Lauren Sanchez (54 years old). The two have been together for 5 years. In May 2023, the couple officially got engaged.

Since being with Ms. Sanchez, the biggest difference in Mr. Bezos is his body. He actively pursues fitness training and “transforms”. Mr. Bezos has become more stylish and attractive than before.

This is considered a “living proof” of Ms. Sanchez’s influence on Mr. Bezos in their relationship. They work out together and have the same fitness trainer.

Ms. Sanchez affirmed that Mr. Bezos is the most lovable person she has ever known. They always want to be together, do everything together. Ms. Sanchez and Mr. Bezos always accompany each other in charity activities, which makes Ms. Sanchez very happy, because she can work with her boyfriend and accompany him everywhere.

“Living with Jeff is like going to an advanced skills training class every day. The thing he taught me the most is management skills. The most interesting advice he ever gave me was when he saw that I was always the first to speak in meetings with my subordinates, he advised me to be the last to speak.

He advised me to let everyone speak first, so that everyone could freely express their opinions without being influenced by my opinions. He also advised me to only hold meetings that last less than an hour,” Ms. Sanchez said.

In 2003, Mr. Bezos experienced a plane crаsh. When he met Ms. Sanchez, it was her love for flying that made Mr. Bezos feel comfortable again every time he was on a plane. Now, Mr. Bezos has learned how to fly his own plane, overcoming his old feаr.

Ms. Sanchez affirmed: “We like being together, doing things together. He helps me gain more knowledge. I help him learn to fly.”

Mr. Bezos and Ms. Sanchez have a total of 7 children from previous relationships. They often spend weekends together with their children.

Ms. Sanchez revealed that every Sunday morning, Mr. Bezos always wakes up early to make breakfast for her. She affirmed that Mr. Bezos is very humorous and always knows how to make her laugh: “He is always cheerful and inspires me every day, helps me become a better person. He is the most lovable person I have ever known.”

Mr. Bezos once revealed that he planned to give away most of his assets before he passed away. Regarding this, Ms. Sanchez said: “He has always told me since the day we first met that he would give away most of his assets. He didn’t sаy it before because he didn’t feel the need to sаy it.”