Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk all owned the world’s leading corporations, became billionaires at the age of 30 and they have one thing in common, learn from them to be successful like them

Three of the most important tech figures include Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg. They founded and own Apple, Tesla, and Meta with billions in assets. These three men become USD millionaires by 30 and the richest and most prominent billionaires.

After his early Apple triumphs, Steve Jobs was reported to have a $250 million wealth by 25. Elon Musk sold Paypal at 30 and left with 180 million USD to launch SpaceX and Tesla. When he became the youngest self-made billionaire at 23, Mark Zuckerberg was even more successful.

Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg are bright thinkers and innovators, but they can have harsh and tough dispositions.

Billionaires are harsh and demanding at work.

Steve Jobs, Apple’s co-founder and soul, was forceful and even dictatorial. He never settled for “just good” things, constantly seeking excellence. Jobs felt Apple products should be technically faultless and offer a premium experience.

He was known for examining every aspect, from design to corners to feel, to ensure “exact”ness. Jobs’ demanding and occasionally impossible standards became part of Apple’s challenging but productive work culture.

Elon Musk, SpaceX and Tesla CEO, is recognized for his vision and seemingly unachievable aims. This also helps him flourish in innovative sectors like technology and space.

He never settles and pushes himself and his team. Musk is one of the most demanding bosses due to his relentless pursuit of achievement. He makes Tesla and SpaceX difficult by demanding hard work and change even when projects are going well.

Facebook (now Meta) founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is less famous for this. Steve Jobs and Elon Musk were stricter at work than Mark Zuckerberg.

Despite his calmness, Zuckerberg is recognized for his intense focus and tireless pursuit of product improvement and expansion. He pushes innovation and company boundaries to grow Facebook. Zuckerberg may not be difficult, but his company’s pressure and rivalry speak for themselves.

Zuckerberg is tough and has a fast-paced, intensive work atmosphere. Meta’s CEO is known for challenging his people and setting high standards. However, he wants to develop a company that innovates and makes a difference.

Does Toughness Guarantee Success?

These three men’s success is tied to their toughness. Jobs, Musk, and Zuckerberg transformed industries, management methods, and business cultures. Additionally, they strive very hard to produce “top-notch” products.

They maintain balance in other areas like friendships and work. Examples include Steve Jobs, who was tough but loved and admired by colleagues, partners, and friends.

Many job stress and burnout stories stem from their harsh management and high expectations.

Many applaud their accomplishments, but many believe their management and working approaches have produced an unhealthy climate of pressure and severe competition. It’s no secret that these three technological millionaires have changed the world, and their harsh, unpleasant personalities have helped them do so.